Teen Mom 3 Recap: Striking Out

Teen Mom 3 Recap: Striking Out

The girls of Teen Mom 3 are doing their best to thrive as single ladies on this week's episode. How will that work out as things progress in their daily lives?

Would they be striking out on their own in search of a better life for themselves? Or just striking out period in their bids to get back into the dating game?

Let's find out in THG's official recap, shall we? We shall.

Teen Mom 3 Cast Member Pics

Mackenzie Douthit is depressed that Josh McKee is out of the picture, but given that he lied to her and didn't respect her, she really had no choice.

She leaves Gannon with her mom and goes camping with her friends so she can forget about Josh and get into "no boys" mode. It doesn't stick.

Throughout the road trip, and the rain, the conversation keeps turning to Josh, whether she wants to talk about him or not. This is what love does.

When Mackenzie Douthit gets home, she gets a text from Josh. Instantly excited, she is then crushed to see he only wants her to pick up her saddle.

Then when she does so, she gets stood up. Minus 400.

Katie Yeager and Joey Maes are also on the cusp of a breakup. She can't handle the idea of him with another girl, but doesn't know if she's his girl.

Joey’s stepdad offers some advice about de-stressing before trying to talk about problems so that they don’t end up fighting. What a concept! Plus 100.

Seems like they may be on the same page re: splitting.

“I was thinking, maybe we shouldn’t be together,” Joey tells Katie, who pitches the concept of "taking a break" rather than fully breaking up. Hmm.

So they try it, Katie calls him constantly, feels he's purposefully avoiding her, challenges him on it, and gets into a huge fight with him over it. Sigh.

Joey gets extremely angry, especially when he's called a “dead beat baby daddy,” and he storms out of the house. Minus 300 for this whole experiment.

Alex Sekella wants Matt McCann to be a part of Arabella’s life any way that he can be, but given that he's going to the halfway house, it's unlikely.

Alex is thinking about dating again. The new guy, David, who she knew before Matt, seems really understanding about the baby and her role in Alex's life.

Plus 100 for putting herself out there and for that response.

Briana DeJesus is turning 18 and planning some fun - behind her mother’s back of course. She and her pals are planning a wild night out afterward.

“It’s my first time going out since Nova was born, and I hope my mom doesn’t question my plans,” Briana revealed, with Brittany having her back.

Briana heads to the club but she quickly finds out that she’s in no mood to dance to the music and that she’d rather be home with Nova. Plus 250.

Also, Devoin Austin is not in the picture. So that's a win.


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