Pug Dresses Up Like Wrecking Ball, Wins World Wide Web

Pug Dresses Up Like Wrecking Ball, Wins World Wide Web

A Wisconsin pug is channeling Miley Cyrus' "Wrecking Ball" video in honor of Halloween, as evidenced by this great photo shared by his owner, McKenna.

Here's a helpful side-by-side comparison ...

  • Pug Dressed as Wrecking Ball
  • Miley Cyrus Nude, Wrecking Ball Style

McKenna's cousin, Karin Morrison (a.k.a. The Craftinomicon), posted DIY instructions on her blog for how to make this costume for your own pet:

  • 1 old Barbie doll
  • Polyester fiberfil
  • 1/2-1 yard dark grey fabric (depending on dog size)
  • Scissors
  • Needle and thread
  • Length of chain
  • A dog that is fine with wearing awesome costumes

File this under Epic Win for McKenna and patient canine companion Tottie, then check out some of our other favorite "Wrecking Ball" parodies below ...

Betty White, 91, showed off her skills in a new promo for Off Their Rockers:

Somebody superimposed House Speaker John Boehner's head on Miles:

Some Grand Valley State students reenacted it on their school's orb:

Hulk Hogan decided to try to get some attention ...

A cute kitten did the wreckage honors ...

And even a hedgehog got in on it ...

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