Katy Perry W Magazine Photos: Hottest. Ever.

Katy Perry W Magazine Photos: Hottest. Ever.

After seeing Katy Perry's new photo shoot in W Magazine, we've concluded that John Mayer is as lucky in love as he is talented as a singer-songwriter.

Yes, he's made some douchey moves over the years and some of his tunes are way overplayed, but the pseudo-blues rocker on a roll these days.

Katy has had her eyes on him for awhile. As she tells W, "I actually am dating my crush ... I had a crush on him for a long time." Prepare to envy John:

Katy Perry W Cover

Asked if she liked being hitched, despite the 14-month length of her marriage to Russell Brand (which puts Kim Kardashian to shame), she didn't hesitate.

"Of course," she said. "I loved it. It was a new, fun, exciting journey."

"But I like how I am now, and I think all things happen for a reason."

More Katy Perry photos and quotes below ...

  • Katy Perry in Pink
  • Katy Perry W Magazine Cover

Perry also offered up some clues as to the meaning behind her new No. 1 single, "Roar," and whether it had anything to do with her short-lived union.

"This song is about sticking up for yourself," the 28-year-old explains.

"People talk about bullying, but you can be your own bully in some ways. You can be the person who is standing in the way of your success."

"That was the case for me. I was having a great professional streak, but personally, I was really immature, so I had to balance those things out."

If you are not happy with something, you should change it. So I went to a lot of therapy, and finally, I am able to speak up for myself: You are going to hear me roar!"

Interesting. If John Mayer gets engaged to her as expected in the coming months, he'll hear a roar of approval from us ... because he'd be stupid not to.

  • Katy Perry W Magazine Photo
  • Katy Perry W Photo
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