Drunk Driver Arrested in Australia, Admits to Consumption of 90 Beers

Drunk Driver Arrested in Australia, Admits to Consumption of 90 Beers

Challenge extended, Lindsay Lohan.

Trevor Alexander Warren, a 51-year old resident of Dundee Beach in Australia, was pulled over by police just past 6 a.m. on Monday.

When officers smelled alcohol in Warren's vehicle, he told them he had stopped drinking 12 hours earlier... but had consumed about 90 "full-strength cans of Melbourne Bitter beer" and hadn't eaten at all on Sunday.

Representing himself in court, Warren was convicted on a drunk driving charge, fined $ 450 and had his license suspended for six months.

"If people have a big night on the drink they really have to consider the following morning," highway patrol Sergeant Peter Foran told The the Western Advocate of Warren's situation. "If there is any risk at all you might be over, don't drive,"

Sage advice. Especially when you down 90 beers in one day!

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