Justin Theroux in GQ: Jennifer Aniston Does Not Like STD Art

Justin Theroux in GQ: Jennifer Aniston Does Not Like STD Art

Justin Theroux, Jennifer Aniston's fiance, reveals to GQ that she does not like his STD-themed artwork and did not want to display them in their home.

Relationships. All about compromise.

Justin Theroux GQ Cover

When Justin moved into his Bel Air mansion with Jennifer Aniston, he had to part ways with the graphic art collection that he holds so dear.

"I have these beautiful wax-museum pieces - handmade, from the 1800s - from a museum of curiosities," the actor tells the magazine.

"They're just these open mouths, with tongues, and in the throats are different stages, labeled, of syphilis and gonorrhea and whatever."

"Those definitely found a great place in my office in L.A.," he says of her reaction. "They weren't going to be above the fireplace anytime soon."

The Wanderlust costars became engaged in 2012 after more than one year of dating. "It's a bit like going to a slightly different altitude, you know?" Theroux says.

The actor joked, referring to the celebrity gossip tabloid attention, that it can be weird "when I get complimented on the street because I'm having twins."

But the two seem to compliment each other well.

He says he's terrible at sports and she loves him for it. He also says they both wanted to buy their $ 21 million home, in part, because it came with chickens.

"We inherited the chickens from the previous owners," he says.

"They were like, 'Of course we'll get rid of the chickens,' and we said, 'Are you crazy? Don't get rid of the chickens. That's half the reason we wanted this place.'"

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