Jay Leno Once Had Sex with Sharon Osbourne

Jay Leno Once Had Sex with Sharon Osbourne

In the spring of 2014, Jay Leno will finally get off The Tonight Show stage.

But in an unexpected admission yesterday during an episode of The Talk, Sharon Osbourne told the world: the comedian once could not get off her... if you know what Sharon means!

  • Jay Leno at the Golden Globes
  • Sharon Osbourne Red Carpet Pic

Saying she had a "flingy-wingy" with Leno at the age of 25, Osbourne explained:

"I had just moved to America, I didn't know many people... I had met my husband but we weren't together, we were just friends. I'm here, I didn't have a boyfriend...Anyway. my friend worked at this place and said, 'You have to come down to this club where I work 'cause it's full of men, you've got to come down!'"

Leno was performing that night, Osbourne found him "nice and very funny" and it turned out her friend had the rising star's number.

"One thing led to another...He actually came to my house and met me, and then we had a little fling," Sharon said.

So, wait... Sharon Osbourne had sexual intercourse with Jay Leno?!? Julie Chen pressed her co-host for an answer to this question.

"It was so long ago, I can't remember," Osbourne laughed. "One cannot remember that long ago!"

Or perhaps one does not want to remember. Sorry, Jay. Tough break.

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