Two-Faced Kitten: Alive and Well in Oregon!

Two-Faced Kitten: Alive and Well in Oregon!

Sorry, Kim Kardashian and Kate Middleton.

No matter what happens next month, you will no longer have the most talked-about births on the Internet.

A kitten with two faces was born in Amity, Oregon on Tuesday. He has been aptly named "Deucy" and arrived with just one body and a healthy set of organs.

Owner Stephanie Durkee says the vet has given the young cat a clean bill of health, although he's sadly been rejected by his mother, meaning Durkee feeds him every two hours via syringe.

Deucy is being kept in a dresser drawer with a heating pad and towels. He's a rare "Janus" cat, a breed that does not typically live as long as those with one head.

Also eerie? Deucy was born on 6/11... at 6:11 in the morning.

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